Progress stalled after that. A lot happens here behind the scenes and home-making generally takes a back-seat when we deal with other stuff.
This cooler part of the year is good for more physical projects though and a recent cancelled property inspection (along with a bout of vertigo) highlighted the need for much better organisation.
As there had been no dedicated clothes sorting area previously, clean washing was brought upstairs and often left in baskets inside the back door or on the table - which caused chaos.
Moving to Queensland prompted a wardrobe overhaul for me and I now wear dresses much of the year. I like them to be ironed and there was no actual ironing area, so an ironing board was often set up in the air-conditioned lounge room, using a bookcase for hanging the pressed clothes.
I watched quite a lot of YouTube for laundry inspiration but most tutorials were aimed at home owner renovators rather than tenants. I didn't want to paint walls and build cupboards. I just wanted to create a simple, cheap, pleasant work area - that could be dismantled and taken with us at some later stage.
After much pondering I purchased a $49.00 portable wardrobe from Kmart. Once it was up, I could measure the shelf compartments as their size wasn't noted on the box. BigW had white baskets that fit well. I bought four baskets and two large grey tubs - another $47.00. Everyone has a basket and clean clothes are sorted accordingly. As the youngest, Vaughan's is on the bottom but I may change than as it's quite low and bending can be an issue for me.
We bought a second-hand dryer very recently. It won't receive a lot of use but is a handy thing to have. It's sitting on an old coffee table adjacent the washing machine. I've placed one of our folding camp tables over the coffee table, to fold clothes on. The ironing board is set up in the same area, so clothes can be ironed and hung directly on the racks.
The window had an ancient, too-long venetian blind covering. It fell down every time I tried to adjust it, so has now been stored out of the way. Nick put up a curtain rod this afternoon (which was part of a lot of block-out curtains I purchased soon after moving in). I'd been given a set of long maroon curtains and we hung two of those behind the wardrobe, though I expect they'll stay open most of the time.
You can see some of the floor in the photos. The tiles are cracked, broken and there are bare patches. I'd like to put down a mat but in heavy rain periods, some of the downstairs area suffers flooding. We've had ankle deep water in a former bathroom and less deep but still annoying issues in other places - hence our hesitation to use anything that could be damaged.
I did some ironing this afternoon and folded a few clothes also. I'm liking the ease of having everything in the one place. Nick and I were culling downstairs the other night, so set up a bluetooth speaker and listened to Spotify while working - and that could be an option for longer ironing sessions, too.
It's early days yet but I can see an improvement upstairs and feel we've done great work for less than $100.00 (or just over $105.00 if we count the $10.00 cupboard). Three cheers for us!
Earlier this year I made two padded carry bags for our owl mugs, purchased during our anniversary splurge.
The bags were a bit roomier than necessary, which has proved to be an expected bonus - now that I've added extra items to each.
Nick and I are heading off on another short adventure, staying several nights in a Canberra motel.
Our room has a kitchenette with microwave and we've decided to breakfast as usual, so will take our preferred porridge/oat mixes. We use large bowls at home when cooking our porridge, so thought it best to pack similar - because the larger volume bowls ensure no boil-over/less mess when cooking.
Obviously the bowls get quite hot in the microwave. I sit mine inside a cereal bowl when serving, to prevent burning my hands. I've made bowl cosies previously as gifts but finally decided to make a pair for us. They will provide extra padding for our bowls when in transit - and then serve their intended purpose when microwaving. As it happened, there was just enough lining fabric leftover from the padded bags to make two cosies, so the sets look quite co-ordinated.
The cosies are intended to be used with the bowls inside (to protect hands/laps from heat). When in transit, the cosies will sit inside the bowls to provide padding between them and our mugs. The mug rugs will tuck around the mugs - and all will pack sideways into the bags. I'm quite pleased with how it's all come together!
There are inherited fabrics from my Mum and Granny, some others that I bought years ago and then more recent remnants / op-shop bargains. (As well as fabric, there is haberdashery).
I've made lots of shopping bag sets as gifts. Typically, it took longer before I made a larger set for use at home.
I'd been thinking of making a holiday pair to take away with us - and finally started on them last night.
There's considerable pondering when I make these bags, pairing fabrics together and trying to create combinations meaningful or pleasing to the recipient. I wanted this holiday pair to be a bit special.
Our at-home set is used often and definitely brightens our grocery shopping. The outers are furnishing fabric with brighter linings (leftover from previous projects). I've double-stitched all seams, to ensure extra strength. We're often complimented on those bags, so they're a nice talking point.
I don't remember when or where I bought the floral denim. I've had it a long time. I decided it had languished long enough, waiting for the perfect project. When I measured the piece, there was just enough for two shopping bags.
After discarding several lining possibilities, I spotted the tartan. It was quite a recent op shop find. It reminded me of travel rugs and picnic blankets, so it seemed a good choice for holiday shopping. The remnant was actually a t-shape when unrolled but with careful cutting it yielded linings for both bags. I finished them this morning.
When I showed Nick, he commented that the tartan was a great choice as our Gladstone bags are similarly lined. How good is that?!
Each move involved other acute stress. Family Court, hospitalisation and major medication changes were just some of the extra stressors. Our life was like a soap opera. We dealt with huge, ongoing drama. I'm amazed at how much our younger selves accomplished. We definitely deserved more credit!
As much as my camera and photos provided a respite during our earlier years, computer issues added to my stress. We had two major computer crashes when Vaughan was quite young and some other close calls since. I have never given up hope of salvaging some of those lost photos.
In preparing for our 2012 move, we bought a laptop computer. Vaughan was still doing distance education at that stage, so we needed a portable option for "school". (Yes, I was supervising his lessons amid all the chaos of considerable uncertainty, possible redundancy/homelessness - and then short-notice interstate relocation).
The old desktop was packed into one of our storage units - along with a box of old hard drives. They travelled down to Victoria and then came with us to Queensland in 2017.
Nick and I became debt-free last year, more or less on the 17th anniversary of our first date. We are slowly working through our wishlist, upgrading furniture and computers and basically ticking off tasks that had been put on hold till finances improved.
My recent laptop purchase has sparked a thorough overhaul of my photo archives and better application of my LightRoom cataloguing system (ie. lots of research, learning etc). It's become a rather large project - because of adjusting to new technology, decision-making, file transferring and so on. In my significant culling efforts, I have unearthed various treasure and rediscovered many memories - so while there is a lot of work involved, it's mostly a pleasant undertaking.
Although physical culling was an ongoing theme for us, there was little time spent on digital clean-ups. I have a grand plan of dealing with all the digital photo archives (including retrieval of those lost pics from Vaughan's early days), overhauling photo albums and digitising many slides also. I expect all those missions will keep me out of mischief for some considerable time.
In 2004 I bought a very basic digital camera, from Groupon. That first one replaced a point and shoot film camera that was probably about ten years old.
I think I'd been camera-less for around a year between the demise of the film camera and the arrival of the digital one.
Finances were very tricky during that era, so I used that little digital camera for several years. When I say basic, I think the file size under 1 meg. My current DSLR has 24-meg resolution. Even my older model Samsung phone has a 12-meg resolution! We've come a long way since those early days!
I received a Samsung L110 camera for my birthday in 2008. (Erin had the previous model and I'd often used hers before receiving mine). I had great results with those two Samsungs and really enjoyed playing with them, so much so that Nick did a lot of research and gifted my first DSLR for Christmas in 2009. He decided on Nikon as a brand, with D40 as the model. It rated very highly in reviews (one in particular by a professional photographer), even against the later models (they were up to the D90 at that stage, which is very whizz-bang with in-built movie and lots of other stuff but much heavier as a result - and definitely a lot more expensive).
The D40 was still being sold new in USA but Nick found an excellent eBay deal for a pre-loved, hardly used one, which included two lenses and various other accessories. I loved that D40 and carried it everywhere!
In May 2012, Nick decided to "invest" in me, so upgraded my D40 to a D7000. It was a quantum leap forward (16-meg vs 6-meg) and great timing also because the D40 failed not long after that. As it happened, a few months later, in August, Getty Images invited me to submit 19 images to them for licensing!
Buoyed by that success, I opened my RedBubble shop in September 2012. My Getty portfolio now stands at 33 and I have 53 images available via Redbubble (link in the right sidebar). I've made commission sales via both platforms and sold other work also.
I can be reluctant to embrace new technology but came to love the D7000 - and the 16-85mm lens (specifically chosen for the bushwalking and geocaching we were doing then). The D7000 needed some minor repairs in December 2015. I felt lost without it and told Nick I didn't need any other Christmas gift, he could just wrap my repaired camera and I'd be happy! As it happened, Nick collected my camera after night-shift on 23 December and it did stay under the tree till Christmas morning (though obviously was the first thing I unwrapped)!
My latest Nikon is a D750, gifted in February 2019 as a distraction after the death of my mother. It was an excellent pre-loved purchase, again thanks to Nick's extensive research. I'm still learning the nuances of the D750. As it's a full-frame camera, my lovely 16-85mm lens wasn't compatible so I needed to adjust to a new camera/lens combination but am feeling more comfortable with both, though they're definitely heavier than my D7000 setup. (All other comparison aside, the D750 has 24-meg resolution, rather than 16-meg).
Nick has just read over this post and and commented that he doesn't see my cameras as gifts but rather necessities. We've dealt with huge drama over the years and while some people may drink or smoke to cope with stress, I took photos. Many photos. My camera and photos were my solace, providing some respite from all that was going on around me/us.