Sunday 23 May 2021

Glad to go shopping?!

I have bursts of sewing creativity and really enjoy having my infamous stash to work from.  It's been carted along (in various forms) to our many addresses - and made two interstate moves.  

There are inherited fabrics from my Mum and Granny, some others that I bought years ago and then more recent remnants / op-shop bargains.  (As well as fabric, there is haberdashery).  

I've made lots of shopping bag sets as gifts.  Typically, it took longer before I made a larger set for use at home.  

I'd been thinking of making a holiday pair to take away with us - and finally started on them last night.

There's considerable pondering when I make these bags, pairing fabrics together and trying to create combinations meaningful or pleasing to the recipient.  I wanted this holiday pair to be a bit special.

Our at-home set is used often and definitely brightens our grocery shopping.  The outers are furnishing fabric with brighter linings (leftover from previous projects). I've double-stitched all seams, to ensure extra strength. We're often complimented on those bags, so they're a nice talking point.  

I don't remember when or where I bought the floral denim.  I've had it a long time.  I decided it had languished long enough, waiting for the perfect project.  When I measured the piece, there was just enough for two shopping bags.

After discarding several lining possibilities, I spotted the tartan. It was quite a recent op shop find. It reminded me of travel rugs and picnic blankets, so it seemed a good choice for holiday shopping. The remnant was actually a t-shape when unrolled but with careful cutting it yielded linings for both bags. I finished them this morning.  

When I showed Nick, he commented that the tartan was a great choice as our Gladstone bags are similarly lined.  How good is that?!

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