Nick and Erin went back to the retail dumpster last weekend and sourced another 64 great boxes, including one for a uekele, which might just fit one of Nick's uekeles! How obscure is that?!
Two extra-large boxes were brought home, not for packing so much as containing our packing boxes - which are now nicely organised in the shed, for easy access.
Bandit wanted to be part of the action as a quality control inspector. Yep, some of the collection came from a pet supply store - and they have now been taste-tested!
Although we've been in this house for over five years, we do have a lot of moving experience.
During our 18-plus years together we've had eight homes - as well as an 18-month stint based in our vintage caravan.
For the first 10 years of Vaughan's life we moved seven times, including an interstate relocation from New South Wales to Victoria in late 2012. We did another interstate relocation in 2017, which brought us from Victoria to Queensland. Our current home is the longest we've stayed at one address together - and we're a bit chuffed with that! On reviewing our childhoods though, it seems around seven years was the longest either of us spent at one address.
As a child, my family lived in a 25-foot van for a period also, on the road and stationary for various periods (sometimes with additional living space in an annexe).
I've lived in rental properties since August 1997, when I separated from my first husband. I choose the timing of that initial move and the one following but from 2005 onwards all moving timelines have been set by others. I've always found the early weeks to be difficult, knowing that leaving is necessary but not having any idea of where we'd be moving to. Of course, given the current housing crisis, I was even more concerned than usual.
I bought myself two cyclamen plants last weekend, to add some cheer to our bathroom during these tricky times. They are holding in well at the moment though it seems caring for them could be an extra challenge. Hah! They've survived a week so far!
House-hunting has been our main focus this week, which has taken up a lot of time and energy. We've been diligent about daily walking for physical and mental benefit, eating good food and maintaining evenings for relaxation - to help all family members through our current stressful period. Erin has continued voluntering and is doing some craft work as a distraction. Vaughan is on a term break, so socialising online and with local friends.
Nick and I both have health appointments, so we've been attending those in between various other missions. Our days have been very busy and an impromptu trip to Toowoomba yesterday afternoon was a wonderful, welcome break. We bought a speaker for Nick's first proper gig (this coming Friday evening) and enjoyed a wander through Queens Park gardens while there. I reckon we deserved some time out!
Week 2 tally. Boxes sourced: 64. Boxes packed: 5. Boxes donated: 0. Tape rolls used: 0.
Total boxes sourced: 120. Total boxes packed: 32.
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