By way of background, four days after receiving our Notice to Leave we met with a mortgage broker, who submitted our application on Friday (a week after Notice).
Yes, on top of all those Week 1 box gathering and packing missions we also rounded up detailed figures and necessary paperwork to present our case to a broker (and lender).
By Monday of Week 2 we had finance pre-approval and could start seriously looking at houses for sale. Many properties were viewed online, quite a few were inspected from the street and we attended a number of in-person open houses also.
It was an eye-opening week. So many house already under offer or contracted within the first day of being listed. So many that looked quite fine in photos but weren't fine in real life! By the end of the week we were contracted on an older home in a lovely location. Exciting times. We toasted our success and good fortune over that weekend (as well as taking some time out to collect Nick's "new" amp).
There was a flurry of activity in Week 3. Erin packed one box. I didn't pack any. Of course there were all the usual work and household missions - drat! Nick and I both had several medical appointments. As well as attending those, we organised building and pest reports - discussed construction issues and ways forward, fine-tuned finance paperwork (which highlighted another problem, one we'd thought resolved after a long saga).
Over lunch on Friday we realised that purchase wasn't going to proceed. The day had been quite busy and the afternoon prelude to Nick's first gig was even more full-on, sending emails right up to our departure from home.
How did the gig go? We had a fun night, made even better cos friends surprised us by driving down specially to see Nick play. Nick/Nik enjoyed being on stage, only forgot a few words a couple of times - and has been invited back. How good is that?! Even more impressive when you know some of what was going on behind the scenes.
Week 3 tally. Boxes packed: 1. Total boxes packed: 33.
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