There was a lot of organising this week, an unplanned dentist visit and a planned optical appointment - as well as many other happenings.
We're pleased with our progress. On Tuesday night we purchased a bright yellow trailer - now dubbed Tweety (with a $9.99 sticker to add extra cheer)!
The trailer was a good price and the seller was lovely, so it was a fun purchase - with him telling us stories, in spite of having laryngitis! (We had another round of story-swapping when we returned on Thursday for an extra signature on the rego paperwork).
Back in 2009 we made nine trailer trips when moving, in addition to the work done by paid removalists. We're not sure how many loads will be necessary this time but having a trailer will greatly assist moving smaller items ourselves (and lessen the overall cost).
Our skip arrived on Thursday morning, which made for some early shuffling of cars etc in the back yard. We had a skip last year also. After researching, the cheapest rate was from our local council - so we did that again.
The 3 metre skip is the smallest size and will hold 4 tonne, the equivalent of three trailer-loads - or 12 wheelie bins. We'll put larger, flat stuff in first and then fill from there.
We've done well with our marketplace listings. Most items have sold and we've recouped $195.00 so far. Our $10.00 laundry bench cupboard was sold last weekend for $15.00 - and I deserved that small profit after helping load it!
I later used the laundry cupboard cash to buy a fancy tea strainer from a local op-shop - much smaller, lighter and easier to pack! Hooray!
Although I haven't yet tallied my efforts, I've packed a lot of my craft area and am pleased with my good work.
Vaughan brought home a big box of baked goodies on Thursday night. We had a fire last night, and sat around it with baguettes and antipasto, a lovely finale to a productive week. Of course, we're always keen for fire-gazing but this one also helped our clean-up of scrap wood pieces. Bonus!
Week 10 tally. Boxes donated: 2 (bringing that total to 19). Boxes packed: 1. Total packed: 113.
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