There's an obvious overlap between this blog and the original Happy Hamby Campers (which is generally more active cos I do enjoy our adventuring). At times it's tricky to decide where to post, as is the case today.
Although I haven't shared any progress here, I started revamping our bedroom earlier this year. Around that time I created a pseudo walk-in wardrobe by positioning two tallboys across one end of the room, opposite our bed - blocking various storage from view.
After returning from Miles, I very wisely decided our "monogrammed luggage" should be on display at home (as well as away), so our bags sit atop the chests.
It took a little while to effect the next part of my grand plan. I ordered an extra large (1000x1500mm) canvas print, featuring one of my favourite images. I took the shot during our Innamincka trip in 2014. It's an oldie but a goodie!
In discussions with the lovely printer, I commented that as well as size etc considerations, the print needed to co-ordinate with our luggage (and showed him a pic). I knew he was the right man for the job when he said "we need to match those bags"! Please consider using Stella Canvas for your custom printing, I'm stoked with the wonderful work they've done!
In early February we celebrated our fourth anniversary as QLDers, still at the same address. That's the longest we've lived anywhere together! Ordering the print then wasn't intended to mark the relocation achievement but it's interesting the events occurred close together.
In spite of having images for commission sale (some with Getty and others on my Redbubble account, which is linked on the sidebar), I don't have many hanging at home. It can be difficult to decide on something that fits space/decor and that I'd be happy to live with indefinitely. I have a few - a Yowah rock stack, some "stairs" from a bushwalk, several geckoes, a frog, a waratah and a sunflower (with bumblebee). I use my images for custom diaries and calendars, so have those on/beside my desk.
My Innamincka canvas was safely delivered yesterday, which was quite exciting. It's about five times larger than anything else I've ever printed - and stunning! As you can see, it's now displayed in our bedroom, above our Gladstone bags, reminding us of excellent adventures we've had and the promise of more to come!
In splendid synchronicity my huge canvas arrived just prior to the release of Nick's latest song, which is all about photographs, memories - and me! Well, us and our life together - but I'm the album's cover girl!