Both opshop purchases weren't planned but we do love a bargain and this bag seemed a good deal at $40.00.
The previous vinyl opshop bag was $20.00 but then required a $10.00 repair and yes, that was excellent value for the work done. (Replacing the lining and re-assembling the bag is a mission for early in the New Year).
The $40.00 bag was made by Herbert Caspari, so has been dubbed Herb. It seemed in pretty good condition, albeit in need of some TLC.
It came away with us, untreated, for our late October/early November camper trailer trip and proved a handy addition to our "monogrammed luggage". Today I decided to give it an overdue spa treatment - as my last 2020 project.
I cleaned the outside with saddlesoap, treated some scuff marks with magic sponge and applied a few coats of neatsfoot oil as well as one of hydrating cream. Later in the day I went over the bag with a light application of shoe polish, particularly to disguise the wear marks - which worked well. I followed with a last generous treatment of the leather cream.
The lining is intact, though the pocket may need some stitching. I've left everything as is for now. Reassembling the vinyl bag is next on my project list. Depending on how easy that goes together, I might consider replacing the lining of this bag. Maybe!