We left the property and spent a few nights in our crammed van, before taking on a month-long house-sitting position.
At it's conclusion we moved back into the caravan, which was our base for around 18 months (save for some other house-sitting), while we actively sought an interstate relocation a lot further North.
We weren't really camping - but we didn't have a home(in)stead, so I continued to post on Happy Hamby Campers during that period. There are quite a few entries on that blog for 2015 and 2016. Some detail our adaptation to van/tent life, while others document various adventures away from our usual caravan park site(s).
In February 2017 we (finally) relocated from Victoria to Queensland (about 700km North of our original New South Wales location and 1,700km from where we lived in Victoria). We are quite near to Brisbane on a large block, with just one immediate neighbour. We like the quieter environment and have very recently celebrated our first anniversary as QLDers.
We unpacked the container as soon it arrived at our new home. All up there were only a couple of breakages, so we were well pleased with our packing of boxes and the container itself. Most items were fine after storage, though the leather lounge had some light mildew and the fridge required much deeper cleaning. The container was sold just weeks after we unpacked - for not much less than we'd paid back in August 2015. Yep, we were pretty chuffed about that too!
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