My large concrete frog was purchased from an op-shop when we lived in Victoria. It may have cost $5.00. I don't really remember.
I had planned to paint it back then but Tea managed to break his foot during one of her romps - and so he languished in the garden till we moved. I actually thought he had been culled before our move, so was surprised to see him in Queensland!
Nick fixed the broken foot and I started some cosmetic work. The base coat was a good frog green - straight out of the tube. It was a bit flat, so I dabbed other shades of green over it - there were two layers of those and then a dusting of gold as well. I worked with cotton balls initially but they weren't ideal so I scrunched a piece of rag for the later coats.
The tummy had a base coat of pale creamy yellow and then other similar shades dabbed over with cotton buds. Lots of overlapping dots. It gives a variegated, mottled effect. Again, several layers were involved.
At one stage he had a pinkish mouth but I wasn't overly happy with that, so changed to a creamy yellow - along the lines of a white-lipped tree frog!
His right foot was a problem. I tried several effects in an attempt to differentiate between it and the rest of his body. Nothing worked though, so I gave up and made the foot sole a similar varied green.
A black permanent marker was handy for doing the eyes. Several coats of sealer were applied and he sat curing in the sunshine on the back table for a couple of days. He's now happily guarding the back door with his froggy family, which makes me smile as I walk up the stairs!