Vaughan re-joined his usual school. He looked a bit shell-shocked when we left him.
For the past ten weeks, he's been one of three students - and travelled 70km once a week to join with a slightly larger 12-student school. While we were away his Victorian school had a recruitment drive. There are now 18 in Vaughan's "senior room", and around 14 in the "junior room" - whereas Vaughan was the 21st student when he enrolled last year, with only eight in his class.
Nick and I were a little worried about our boy but by all accounts the Young Master settled very well.
In funny co-incidence, Healthy Harold is set to visit the school next week or the one after - praps the same representative that was staying in the cabin next door at Deniliquin?!
Nick, Erin and I collected a bag of chook food in preparation for the girls' return. We collected ten weeks worth of mail and looked at the dump shop too.
I spotted an excellent thing while there. It has a lot of potential and even better, was a bargain - of course! It is set to be gifted to me for Mother's Day. Once I officially receive it, I'll be able to show you!
Erin, Vaughan and I collected Judge Judy and Jo this evening. They have been secured in the Fox-proof Fowl Fort and we'll check on them in the morning.
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