The projector has been used a number of times since but only inside, in our small back room. It works well but the seating is quite cosy!
Tonight was our first-ever screening under the stars (though we had to wait till after 9:00pm for sufficient darkness). Nick rigged one of our camping gazebo walls along the side of our storage container. It made an effective screen, though rippled in the strong breeze.
Nick had parked both cars and our trailer to serve as a windbreak but even so we were rugged up in dressing gowns, slippers and tucked under our blankets - all necessary insulation given the 13 degree temperature!
As first nights go, we were quite pleased with ours. Nick did great work as our projectionist. The movie seats were comfy and we were a good distance from the screen. The sound worked well and praps on a still night, the gazebo wall will be ripple-free! More trials to come!
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