The water level in the tank has risen more than 10cm, which is wonderful. We'll be able to do numerous loads of washing, though getting it dry will be an issue!
Of course, Tea requires feeding regardless of weather and paddling about in the rain (and cold) to do so hasn't been all that pleasant.
It's a good thing most of us have full wet-weather gear - though at the time of purchase we thought we'd be using it for archery and bushwalking. No-one ever dreamed we'd be wearing it calf-feeding and chasing after chookies!
Erin is not as well-equipped as the rest of us but has purchased some rather flash gumboots during Target's recent sale. Vaughan also has some newly-acquired gumboots - and I have dug out my purple pair, which I bought for camping.
Hamby Home(in)stead is starting to look like a proper farmhouse, now that the front door is littered with many pairs of mucky boots and other footwear! (We've even had Tea and the chooks camped out on our doorstep, sheltering from the weather)!
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