We had a lovely day on Saturday. I went to a free talk about caring for historical photos, Di visited in the afternoon - then Nick and I saw an excellent string quartet performance that night.
We really enjoyed taking some time out to relax but there was still more to be done at the old house, so we were back at work on Sunday.
Nick finished clearing downstairs, while I continued to pack up the kitchen, dining and bathroom areas.
It's tricky to catalogue everything we did - but we did a lot! Given the house was going to be demolished, we didn't need to do a thorough exit clean - bonus!
My plants were taken to our new home, including my bottle tree who rode in Elmer (cos he was too tall for the trailer)!
You can read about Rupert (aka my bottle tree), here. I haven't measured both of us at each birthday but he is now definitely taller than me and has developed a curve, which is sort of like my sciolisis!
I dropped my destiny cards when packing up. The scattered reading was interesting. Funny that Fulfilment, Strength and Reliability cards still featured - as they had when I'd done a reading the previous week.
We had boxes left, so I listed them as freebies on FB marketplace, to be collected before our exit date (to save us carting them).
There was huge interest and we were happy to help out someone else. (As we continue to unpack, more boxes and packing materials will be given away - cos we're not expecting to need them again, anytime soon)!
We'd finished everything by Tuesday afternoon and the final inspection was done on Thursday - a week after we moved into our new home (and just under 13 weeks since we received our Notice to Leave). I'm pretty impressed with all we managed to achieve in such a short space of time.
Our Tweety Trailer was an excellent purchase and well worth our $700.00 spend. We think Nick did 13 trailer loads in total. (There were things the removalists wouldn't take and stuff that made more sense for us to move).
I'd been given four moving boxes full of butcher paper and used just about all of that. As I unpack, I smooth the paper out and fold it - ready for someone else to use. We packed so many boxes but weren't really keeping track during the last two, hectic weeks. I've found my tally book though and can add a few numbers to my spreadsheet.
Final tally. Boxes donated: 20. Boxes packed: 155 (till we lost count). Tape rolls finished: 8. Trailer loads: 13.