Lettuce seeds sprouted in just 4 days, not one or two weeks as noted on the packet. My cherry tomato plants and baby capsicum bush all have flowers. I now have 14 bean seedlings, all growing wonderfully.
My peas and snowpeas are holding onto their intended sticks, their neighbours' sticks - and their neighbours! It's really neat to watch them stretching out in search of support.
A few of the compost heap sunflowers have sprouted. I'm not sure whether the pansies are doing anything at this stage. I can see specks of green in sort-of the right area but they might just be grass!
I found the lid for the worm tower and have dropped a few vegie scraps down. No worms yet but I remain hopeful.
There's more progress on the verandah. Yep, it's all happening!
My oregano is taking over it's terracotta pot. I planted thyme seeds in the spare area and they sprouted several weeks ago but remain tiny. I'm thinking they may need a pot of their own to really thrive.
Some bonus chilli seedlings are also in line for larger living quarters. The coriander seedlings are starting to develop their proper leaves- and the spring onions are looking good, too.
Happy to report that we're using some of our fresh herbs. Erin's bearded dragon lizard has enjoyed a couple of basil leaves. Good to have his vote of confidence! Non-lizard family members have sampled the oregano and Italian parsley. Even better, I trimmed the sage plant trying to encourage bushier growth. Those cut leaves were so yum, crisp-fried in butter as a garnish on Saturday night's pasta!