We very much enjoyed our first Christmas at Hamby Home(in)stead!
As some of you know, Tea featured on our Christmas cards. She starred on our festive t-shirts also, which we wore for our annual Santa photo. We've worn the shirts at other times also, with good effect and appreciation!
Sadly, kid-sized t-shirts were only available in white. Yep, the Young Master often looks like an OMO ad extra!
Tea's been a good cow lately, so didn't receive an electric fence from Santa. Erin gave her a carrot and some beetroot tops for Christmas lunch but it seems vegies are far more appealing when plucked from the garden, on the sly!
The chookies were far more appreciative of their Christmas goodies - particularly a large piece of watermelon, which was reduced to the barest amount of rind over a few hours!
Moo-ry Christmas from us to you and our very best wishes for an absolutely bovine, er divine, New Year!